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1. The IQA Rulebook is your new bible.  Learn it, love it, live it.  Run off to Vegas and marry it.  Do what you will, just know it.


2.  Oliver Wood is our patron saint.


3.  There’s no crying in Quidditch.  Unless you break a bone.  Then you can cry.


4.  Got a favorite Harry Potter character?  Cool.  That’s your team nickname. Unless someone else has it already.  Then you gotta get a new one.


5.  A broken broom is cause for mourning.  We might play “Angel” by Sarah McLachlan to really hammer it in.


6.  If someone makes you bleed, you make ‘em bleed right the hell back.


7.  Communicate with others both on the pitch and off.  We play best when we play like a family.  A family that sometimes body checks other family members because they have the Quaffle.  Body checks are like hugs that leave bruises!


8.  Play hard, play responsibly.  While there’s no crying in Quidditch, there’s also no reckless hitting or blocking.  Try not to hit someone like the fist of an angry god.


9.  There is no apologizing in Quidditch.  Unless you break someone’s leg.  Then you’d best apologize.

10.  When in doubt, ask.  We won’t mock you.  Much.


11.  Don’t be a jerk.  No one likes a jerk.  Respect your fellow Nargles.


12.  It’s only a game, guys.  Treat it that way.

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